Monday, December 17, 2007

Zcam 3D Camera - is a challenger to Wii?

Nintendo Wii - We all know how popular Wii game become these days. In fact, it is one of the top 10 great holiday gifts of the year. But Wii is going to have a serious challenger in the name of ZCam 3D Camera. The ZCam is the first low-cost, consumer videocamera that can capture video with depth information and probably the first real challenger to Nintendo's Wiimote: with its 3D capture abilities it will allow you to play Wii-style without using any controls, console or whatsoever. In fact, it is so precise that it will even recognize your finger gestures to fire a weapon or manipulate your computer like in Minority Report, but without gloves or any other external device.
Don't you believe it? Then, see see yourself here in this demo here.

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