Friday, August 31, 2012

Nissan new car

Nissan's Japanese site advertises their new car Note in interesting way. To appreciate beauty of the ad, keep scroll down the page and see static images moving animatedly(or click on reverse at the bottom of page). Just like flipping kids picture book to get animation feeling.
I have seen similar ad on beetle but this one is cool.

Caution: Page downloads huge data(around 170MB).



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Personal Analytics of Facebook data

For many of us, Facebook occupies good amount of personal life. Have we ever wonder personal analytics of our data there? Data such as time spent, most active time of day, most active day in a week, most popular status and so forth. Well, Wolfram launches Facebook analytics report that provides above data and much more.

The analytics presents data not just about us but also about our friends such as demographics based on gender, country etc. Belive me, the analytics are quite compelling.

The data also shows that how much Facebook and others associated with it know about us.

Pulling one's data is quite easy. Just type in "facebook reports" on Wolfram website and login to Wolfram Connection App using Facebook credentials.


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