Tuesday, November 27, 2007

EJB 3.0 books online for free

New to EJB or working in EJB based project and want to refer any online books?
Here are two EJB 3.0 books that are available online for free download.
Mastering EJB 4th edition(requires serverside.com account) which has been updated to EJB 3.0.
Another one is EJB 3 in Action. I like EJB 3 in Action because it explains EJB concepts in a very simple and interesting way. It's introduction to EJB 3.0 is intriguing and sums up chronicles of EJB.

Happy Reading!!!

P.S. Don't forget to buy the books if you like them.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Going Abroad?

Have you recently taken up a job abroad and moved out of
India or planning to move out of country?
Do you know that you must file tax returns for your first year outside of India?
Also, if you have given any loans, you must inform the borrower and his repayments must necessarily be to your NRO account. There are several other things that one must take a note before actually start moving out of country.

Veena venugopal explained these things very clearly in simple terms here on rediff.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Indian Search Engines

Search Engine. Can we imagine our net life with out it? Impossible! Right!
In China, Baidu.com is the premiere search engine and also very well known across the country. But unfortunately India does not have a good regional search engine yet. Till a year ago, all we have had was in.rediff.com which is the worst search engine I have seen so far. But, we now have a choice in the name of a new search engine Guruji.com, started by two students from IIT. Definitely Guruji is not very good but definitely scores over rediff in many aspects such as speed, relavent results so forth. If Guruji continues the same effort that they are putting for the last one year, I think it may attain the defacto search engine status for India soon.
All the best Guruji.com

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Mayabazar (Old)

As I mentioned in my profile, Mayabazar(Old) remains my all time favorite telugu movie. Be it screen play or acting, Mayabazar is the benchmark for all telugu movies.

I have been searching for this movie online quite sometime and at last I have found it.

Here goes the movie links..



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Friday, November 09, 2007

Stock Market illustrated

I have received this funny illustration of Stock Market in my mail box this morning. Well, I don't agree with it but fun enough to read. Enjoy

Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs10. The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at Rs10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at Rs20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to Rs25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey let alone catch it.

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at Rs50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at Rs35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell it to him for Rs50.” The villagers squeezed up with all their savings to buy the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!! !! -

Welcome to "Stock" Market

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